How beautiful to have this space be a tribute to P&S. I've loved all the newsletters, but this one in particular as you say, truly gave me the words to tell my own story. I'm two weeks into my new Stay at Home Mom Life and am pleasantly surprised to report that I did not experience the massive identity crisis that I had anticipated. I couldn't quite put my finger on the what exactly I've been feeling until I read this entry and gasped.


I'm so proud to be present for my littles and care for them with my best energy and biggest heart. It is a sated pride that I never experienced in the workplace, which is probably why I could not articulate it!

Thank you, Olivia, for giving me the words and for continuing to give visibility and framing to these universal experiences.


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Pride! I hope you're soaking it in and thank you for this beautiful message.

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Congratulations on this new chapter. When I read the "Welcome to...", I immediately thought it sounded like a novel, too. Thanks for continuing to share your perspective with us!

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Yes, exactly! Glad it's not just me. Thank you <3

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Wow!! So beautiful!!

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<3 <3 <3

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Beautifully written, as always 💖💖💖💖

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<3 <3 <3

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I LOVE your new name and story!


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Thank you!

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Oh, I love this so much! I love how P expresses herself and those middle names!? You are my people! (And I need to see a picture of D with a beard!!! LOL)

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Thank you thank you thank you <3

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So inspiring watching your journey from Rallier to the Land of Oaks and Roses! Honored to be a reader of this new pretty land 💗

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A journey we've been on together <3

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